
Set your mind to mindset

One courageous step will take you the amazing world of Entrepreneurship!

Would you like to know how? Than take a pause and read this.

One need to set the mind to be an entrepreneur. It is a phycological process through which every entrepreneurs passes through. This mindset one need throughout the journey. Entrepreneurs life is full of ups and downs like the Electronic Cardio Grams.

Every individual on this earth lives with a dream to be its own boss. Few can be and few never are. It is always treat, to do the things the way you want. But everybody is not fortunate enough to do so. Everyone has burning desire in the belly, but few can convert this into a profitable business. Profit of earning money, profit in terms of fulfilling our own dreams, profit of being our own boss and profit of freedom. Everybody wants to earn these profits but few have courage to take risk. Entrepreneurship is all about mindset. Entrepreneurship is nothing but a business of freedom. Live this freedom before you die. Every day starts with a new challenge and ends with lots of learning and hopes in the process of entrepreneurship. Charms of being independent is comes with lots of responsibility. It is the process of moving towards mastering your internal locus of control.

In this journey one is testing self every day. This process comes with lots of excitements and commitment to prove you. As a by-product of the battle of thoughts, ideas generate. These ideas as they have survived in the battle field of mind have power to make the world better. So keep testing yourself every moment, unknowingly you are making your own version better and better. Change the mindset, allow it to dream. We as human beings we have always created technologies and processes to make our life more comfortable, but this comfort zone is not ok with our mindset. Our mind will give great ideas only if we push it to face tough situations. To create better world put mind into a worst situation. Only entrepreneurship has power to take out best from the worst.

Process of entrepreneurship is very challenging and exiting too. Uncertainty is inherited in the process of entrepreneurship. This uncertainties challenge you every day and it does not allows you to settle down. It is pushing you constantly to take best out of your own self. Entrepreneurship is a journey. All the enjoyment is in process of being and entrepreneur. This journey you can enjoy only if you have proper mindset to be enterprising.

Are you ready to say Kissing good bye to your comfort zone? 

Dr. Kruti Patel
Founder & Director,
She & WE – Women Entrepreneurship Foundation