
Women – Creator of life

Woman is a creator of life. Life grows within their body for nine months. She continues to nurture the life after separation from her for many years. Her contribution to keep the universe alive by giving birth is immense. She fosters the society with love, care and affection. Her biological set up and an inexhaustible mental strength has made her unique. This makes her incomparable with the opposite gender in true sense. If we go back to Mohenjodaro and Harappan civilization, women were possessing highly dignified positions. In Vedic literature the position of women in India was based on Hindu rituals, thoughts and customs. She was worshipped in those era rather than just respected. We have Goddess of prosperity -Lakshmi, Goddess of Knowledge – Saraswati and Goddess of Shakti – Durga. As per our “Shashtras” men had to realize all important aims in life by worshiping to female divinities. In Indian mythology women were worshiped and today also as a ritual we do that, Navaratri and Durgapuja is an example of the same. Famous female scholars from our mythology are Gargi, Maitreyi, Ghosha and Lopamudra. This glory of women in history of India took turn and slowly and gradually created conservative environment, led to inequality in all the spheres of life with the relative comparison with men. From the honor to be worshipped as a goddess, it became not even welcoming her as a girl child, her voice, her wishes, her education and her dreams are of no importance. Today she is perceived as a  “Boj” in a family. The wind has started taking its turn once again. Today women are standing for their space, their voice. She has realized her inner potential and she is ready to stand straight against all odds. She is determined to win the battle for her existence by awakening the creator of life within her. She has realized that if “I can give birth to a new life, nothing is impossible for me”. From worshipped goddess to suppressed individual she is becoming queen maker of her decisions. There are husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, lovers, colleagues and bosses behind them to support. This century is of us!!!!!! Let’s write glorious chapters for the generation to come.

Dr. Kruti Patel
Founder & Director – She & WE – Women
Entrepreneurship Foundation